

we talked it out.
the root of all problems.
i guess the reason it's been stagnant for now is that we both have no savings or whatsoever to help us propel forward to embark on something new for our future.
we had a good talk.
we'll do one thing at a time.
it will not be easy.
but the past 6 yrs hasnt been a smooth ride either.
we'll get thru this, together?
you, me, us....
Many nights we've prayed
With no proof anyone could hear
In our hearts a hopeful song
We barely understood
Now we are not afraid
Although we know there's much to fear
We were moving mountains long
Before we knew we could
There can be miracles, when you believe
Though hope is frail, it's hard to kill
Who knows what miracles you can achieve
When you believe, somehow you will
You will when you believe
In this time of fear
When prayer so often proves in vain
Hope seems like the summer birds
Too swiftly flown away
Yet now I'm standing here
A heart so full I can't explain
Seeking faith and speaking words
I never thought I'd say
They don't always happen when you ask
And it's easy to give in to your fears
But when you're blinded by your pain
Can't see your way straight through the rain
A small but still, resilient voice
Says love is very near...
Baby, I'll always LOVE you.........
(a hope and a prayer.......dear, GOD, pls grant me the strength to over come the obstacles and serenity to learn and believe that there's a silver lining to all these....)



I find it sad sometimes when the days goes by.
So many things, so little accomplished.
I am happy with the things that I have in life but "LOVE".....that 4 simple letter that forms up to that word makes life more complicated than it already is.
Guess you know where I'm heading to now....
A rationale mind knows what to do but the heart makes it complicated.
Does it?
A recent conversation that I had;

nonchalant flamboyance says:
good afternoon! you sound pissed

.... says:
i dont know.......i dont understand MEN...hah

nonchalant flamboyance says:
you dont exactly have to understand them coz they dont understand women as well

.... says:
the word "love" between a man n woman's so hyped up, it's just lust...once that fucked shit fades away it's back to shit

nonchalant flamboyance says:
lol..starting is always i love you, you love me..when two gets together and when it comes to staying together...and when the bills come on the table..there wont be i love yous no more

.... says:
that's that.........what abt the pt of 'being in a r'ship' when you dont know where to go from then on? fcuk it i'm babbling crap

nonchalant flamboyance says:
no, that's not crap..that's a good question..basically, you dont continue that relationship

nonchalant flamboyance says:
it becomes unnecessary

.... says:
that's ideal way of thinkin; if it doesnt work out, walk out
but the word 'love' that's being played.....over and over, it's just misleading

nonchalant flamboyance says:
love and romance are part of novelty..after that, relationships sustain when there's a common vision and both can do certain things together most of the time, without fuckin up one another

nonchalant flamboyance says:
its misleading if u choose to allow it to mislead yourself

nonchalant flamboyance says:
at the end of the day, it's just semantics..a word that needs to be translated into action..if not, it remains an utterance

.... says:
true & now to find the/that person who have that common vision with u & and to sustain it.....

nonchalant flamboyance says:
yeah, that's the bottomline

nonchalant flamboyance says:
trial and error sometimes..if u have the energy, keep going..if u dont and think that it's unnecessary in terms of not loving yourself, then dont bother

.... says:

.... says:
but life's complicated like that when u have things going on for you and you know that you're all and a promise or two can just jeopardize the ideals you have or that you've been following. i dont know abt men....women, are just born stupid to succumb to all thesecrap and all the emo bullshit...heh

I stubbornly do not want to give up.
Am I stupid or something?
I dont know.
I dont seem to know anything anymore, do I?
But I do know that I do not want to give up.
Like what NF said, "relationships sustain when there's a common vision and both can do certain things together most of the time, without fuckin up one another "
Is he here to stay or..........


hurt hurt

i was hoping the second time round would be better for us.
but am i wrong?
i've loved him to bits.
i've always loved him.
even with his imperfections and all.
i'm so hurt.
just a week without his call, i'm like this.
technically, it wasnt so much for him not calling/msging, but the action.
the fact that he didnt call, let alone msg.
was i ever in his mind?
did he miss me?
i'll never know.