I find it sad sometimes when the days goes by.
So many things, so little accomplished.
I am happy with the things that I have in life but "LOVE".....that 4 simple letter that forms up to that word makes life more complicated than it already is.
Guess you know where I'm heading to now....
A rationale mind knows what to do but the heart makes it complicated.
Does it?
A recent conversation that I had;
nonchalant flamboyance says:
good afternoon! you sound pissed
.... says:
i dont know.......i dont understand MEN...hah
nonchalant flamboyance says:
you dont exactly have to understand them coz they dont understand women as well
.... says:
the word "love" between a man n woman's so hyped up, it's just lust...once that fucked shit fades away it's back to shit
nonchalant flamboyance says:
lol..starting is always i love you, you love me..when two gets together and when it comes to staying together...and when the bills come on the table..there wont be i love yous no more
.... says:
that's that.........what abt the pt of 'being in a r'ship' when you dont know where to go from then on? fcuk it i'm babbling crap
nonchalant flamboyance says:
no, that's not crap..that's a good question..basically, you dont continue that relationship
nonchalant flamboyance says:
it becomes unnecessary
.... says:
that's ideal way of thinkin; if it doesnt work out, walk out
but the word 'love' that's being played.....over and over, it's just misleading
nonchalant flamboyance says:
love and romance are part of novelty..after that, relationships sustain when there's a common vision and both can do certain things together most of the time, without fuckin up one another
nonchalant flamboyance says:
its misleading if u choose to allow it to mislead yourself
nonchalant flamboyance says:
at the end of the day, it's just semantics..a word that needs to be translated into action..if not, it remains an utterance
.... says:
true & now to find the/that person who have that common vision with u & and to sustain it.....
nonchalant flamboyance says:
yeah, that's the bottomline
nonchalant flamboyance says:
trial and error sometimes..if u have the energy, keep going..if u dont and think that it's unnecessary in terms of not loving yourself, then dont bother
.... says:
.... says:
but life's complicated like that when u have things going on for you and you know that you're all and a promise or two can just jeopardize the ideals you have or that you've been following. i dont know abt men....women, are just born stupid to succumb to all thesecrap and all the emo bullshit...heh
I stubbornly do not want to give up.
Am I stupid or something?
I dont know.
I dont seem to know anything anymore, do I?
But I do know that I do not want to give up.
Like what NF said, "relationships sustain when there's a common vision and both can do certain things together most of the time, without fuckin up one another "
Is he here to stay or..........
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